Monday, April 7, 2008

Looking Better Every Day...

Direct to Consumer Marketing of Medicine is prohibited in Canada...and according to my reading only allowed in the U.S.A. and New Zealand. I am going to add this to the many reasons why I am drawn to live north.
  • Abortion rights. Women's rights over their own bodies
  • Legal same-gender marriage
  • Gun control. The Firearms Act. No Second Amendment gun ownership rights
  • Medicare. Universal Health Care
  • No Capital punishment
  • No DTCA of medicine
  • Several viable political parties
Are there additional aspects which I've momentarily forgotten? Let me know. I will continue to add to the list.


cls said...

I wish you well as you go through the process of immigrating to Vancouver. I grew up in Vancouver and love the place, so I can see why you would be drawn to it. Although I'm currently living in Ontario, I have a house on one of the Gulf Islands so get back to BC regularly.
If you're interested in information about the history of Canada/BC/Vancouver I should be able to give you some suggestions.
All the best and good luck,


Adam said...

Hey, thanks Cara. My partner currently has an interview scheduled with the Boss/owner of a company in toronto. We'll see how that goes! Cheers.

cls said...

I wish you and your partner all the best. By the way, the weather in Vancouver is way, way better than what you'll experience in Toronto. So much so it's like two different countries.

Adam said...

Ah, the issue of the weather...I grew up on the East Coast and didn't think I'd be dealing with snow again. But I lived in Boston for ten years and upstate N.Y. as well. Both get copious amounts of snow. I will be happy with either city, Vancouver or Toronto. If the job materializes in Vancouver, all the better.